Purpose of the program
Nowadays it becomes more and more popular to store pictures in an electronic form, as computer
files. Undoubtedly this way has lots of benefits compare to keeping "hard copies" of photos, drawings etc:
an electronic picture does not take so much space (a regular recordable CD-R disc can hold as much as about 5000
photos in JPEG format of quite good quality), it can be easily duplicated, shown and even presented to all of your and
others' relatives, pals and enemies (the latter can be achieved by mailing it by email, it could be even better,
particularly for pictures above 10-20 MB in size).
Unfortunately some thousands pictures are very hard to search through. The most obvious and simple
solution might be arranging the files into folders with the appropriate names ("We and our dog", "Our
dog alone" etc), but this leads to more and more contradictions: how can you arrange pictures by date and, at
once, by subject, by event and at the same time by place; how can you attach description to a picture (although some
programs allow to write it in, they do it pretty difficult); and finally how are you going to find that unique picture
of you and your dog where he is jumping off 5th floor for you out of that heap of some 1287 pics?
These tasks seemed unpretentious had emboldened me to write a picture cataloguing program capable of
arranging and search various pictures (drawings, photos, screenshots and all other stuff).
Like it or not, but the program's got the name PhoA - an acronym for
'Photo Album', and photo album files the program creates also wear extension .phoa.
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